Chronic mild depression (dysthymia), major depressive episodes, peri/post-natal depression

Generalized anxiety, specific phobias, social anxiety, panic attacks

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) & Bi-polar Spectrum Disorders
CBT is an effective complement to medication in treating Bi-Polar I & II

Relationship Concerns
Romantic, familial, parenting, professional

Professional Career Concerns
Acute stress, assessing work values, career planning for next steps

Adjustment Disorders/Life Transitions
Life changes/stages (child, marriage, job, move) that are met with difficulties in coping

Self Esteem / Identity
Development of confidence in who you are; mapping your identity to your values; self-advocacy skills

Substance Abuse
Uncovering consequences of abuse/dependency; motivational interviewing to identify readiness for change; if needed, arranging for more intensive treatment
Copyright © 2020 Brittany Olsen, MFT | All Rights Reserved | Moonlit Media